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Class 3

Welcome to Class 3!

Teacher: Mr Cooke

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Merrills

Teaching Assistant: Miss Summerfield

A typical day in Class 3 begins with a morning activity, this is a short piece of work that lets every child settle in class and hit their individual targets that are set by the teacher. Once this is completed, we watch Newsround while eating a slice of toast. After discussing what we have watched we move onto our Maths lesson.

During break time the children enjoy time on the playground, playing football and other activities using a wide variety of playground resources. When we come back into class, the children listen to our class read before completing their English work. For lunchtime, each child has a choice of hot dinner or bringing in their packed lunch in the hall before going outside. After another fun filled lunch time on the playground, the children complete some handwriting or reading work before taking part in Topic (Geography, History, Art or DT), PSHE, Computing or Science or PE on a Friday. On a Friday, the children can come into school wearing their tracksuits, all ready to take part in their PE session on the Friday afternoon. 

In Class 3 we complete a wide range of topics from Ancient Greece, map skills to landscape drawing and databases. There are iPads and laptops available for each child when completing research. If we have completed our work at the end of the day, there might be time for children to develop their social skills by playing Jenga, Guess Who?, Lego or other games together as a team.

We love to enjoy every child's successes throughout the day using our sticker charts, rewarding good choices and with a Star of the Day and Star of the Week. 


If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ring via the school office!