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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2!


Your Class Teacher is Mrs Lee

Your support staff are Mrs Fawcett and Miss Cowell


We are a very welcoming and nurturing class and everyday is a fresh start in Class 2. 


We have a structured curriculum that ranges from English and Maths to Computing, Science, Geography, History, PSHE and PE. 


We also use online programmes, such as Sumdog and TT Rockstars (Maths) and IDL (English). The daily timetable is displayed at the front of the class so the children know what lessons they will be doing that day. 



Further information:

All our reading book changes, spelling tests and PE lessons are on a Friday.


Book Bags:

When children start at Jigsaw, they are given a book bag. The book bag needs to be brought in everyday so that letters, reading books and spellings can be kept in them.


Reading books:

Children are given a level appropriate reading book every week and also a book of choice, the changeover day for reading books is a Friday. Please listen to your child read as often as possible as this really helps them to improve their fluency. 


Spelling test:

The children will be given spellings to learn every week and the spelling test is every Friday. Please practice their spellings with them daily.  



The children will have P.E every Friday. Full P.E kits with suitable footwear (trainers) should be worn.


Water Bottles:

We encourage children to drink water throughout the day so children can bring in their own water bottle with their name on everyday. (Spare bottles are available)



We ask that the children are provided with weather appropriate clothing and that all clothing is clearly labelled. 



If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ring the school. 


Thank you for your support,


Mrs Lee.